agrees with using the Blog or Content or its part by the Provider for public information and educational
purposes, and further agrees with the use of the Blog or Content or its part by the Users on for his
or her publication, the sharing, processing and displaying of the Blog or Content or its parts on,
while giving the Provider the right to grant a sublicense on behalf of the Provider, based on the decision of the
Provider and to the extent laid down by the Provider.
4. The Blogger must not post and share on any Blog or Content, which would violate human
dignity by any way, infringe on any rights relating to personality, violates fundamental rights and freedoms, and
violates the copyright or any other rights of third parties.
5. The Blogger must not post and share on any Blog or Content within his/her Blog or Content that
a. threaten or disturb the physical, mental or moral development of minors or distort their mental health and
emotional state,
b. contain pornography or brutal and unjustified violence,
c. violate human dignity and the fundamental rights and freedoms of others,
d. include racist, Nazi or other unlawful elements,
e. encourages violence and openly or covertly instigate hate on the basis of sex, race, color, language,
religion, faiths, political or other opinions, ethnic or social origins, membership of a national or ethnic
group, discredits or offends on the basis of sex, race, color, language, religion, faith, political or other
opinions, ethnic or social origins, membership of a national or ethnic group,
f. promote war or describe a cruel or otherwise inhuman act in the way that would inappropriately
minimize, justify or approve of it,
g. unreasonably display scenes of real violence where the real act of dying is inadequately underlined or
where people are displayed experiencing physical or mental torture in a way considered to be an
ineligible interference with human dignity; this is also applicable even if the concerned people have
agreed to such display,
h. openly or covertly promotes arms and ammunition,
i. openly or covertly promotes alcoholism, smoking, the use of narcotic drugs, poisons and precursors or
minimizes the consequences of the use of such substances,
openly or covertly promotes a political party or its representatives or members,
disparages or insults on the basis of sex, race, color, language, religion, faiths, political or other opinions,
ethnic or social origins, membership of a national or ethnic group,
encourages to suppress fundamental rights and freedoms, racism, discrimination, racial, ethnic or national
improperly displays minors who are experiencing physical or mental suffering, not even in the 18+
Information Section,
includes erotic, pornographic, racist, Nazi or other illegible elements, even in the 18_Information Section,
displays child pornography or pornography with pathological sexual practices, even in the 18+, Information
otherwise violates the general binding legislation of the Slovak Republic, European Union as well as the
country whose legislation applies to the Blogger.
6. The Blogger is obliged to place a Blog or Content that can disturb the physical, mental or moral development
of minors, above all containing brutal und unjustified violence, only in the 18+ Information Section, in such a
way that minors cannot watch or listen to it in the Information Section under current circumstances.
7. The Blogger must not place and share on any Blog or Content containing any advertising, any
offer of products or services or which encouragesUsers to contribute or donate any financial means.
8. The Blogger must not, within his/her Blog or Content on, even in the 18+ Information Section:
a. use any vulgarity, threatening speech, personal attacks toward other Users or third parties and expressions
or other terms whose direct or indirect meaning contradict generally acceptable social morals and ethics