These guidelines for the websitewebsite describe the general and binding rules whose full respect
is necessary for the use of the websitewebsite and its components by all users. They also define the
rights and obligations of the users and the provider for use of the website by the users (hereinafter the “Terms”).
DEFINITION OF BASIC NOTIONS is online television accessible via the network of the website run by the Provider.
The Provider has named the company with the commercial name: NOTA FILM s.r.o., commercial
registration no. 47 430 109, whose registered address is located at Veternicová 27, 841 05 Bratislava, the
company entered in the Commercial Register of the Bratislava I District Court, section: Sro, insert no.
92361/B – the commercial company running the website.
The Blogger represents all the users of the website who share and publish their own content.
The Blog represents the space on reserved for the Blogger to publish and share their own
The User represents all the users and/or visitors who access the website via internet while
using or just visiting, including the Registered Blogger and User.
The Registered user represents the user of registered by the Provider via registration on
The Content represents all the contribution, text, text files, reference, ideas, concepts, suggestions,
stories, scripts, formats, artistic works, graphic works, photographs, pictures, sound, audio recordings,
music, video, video file, audio-visual works and their combinations, musical works, as well as those with
texts or the combinations of both, interactive elements, names, user names, portraits, voices,
representations, facts, autobiographic works, software and other material, accessible to the public on, placed on and placed or shared by the user, or which are accessible to users via
the website, including the blogs
The Use/User represents all the uses, visit of the website, the content and services of, e.g. the visualization of the content, dissemination of the content, blogs, comments, etc., by
the user of the website.
Commercial Usage represents all the use of the website, which results in financial or
material benefits for User/Blogger/Registered User or the Use of for commercial means,
except the creation of his/her own blogs and his/her own presentation of the blogger on the pages of
The 18+ Information Section represents the information part of and the services of containing content unsuitable for minors.
The Intellectual Property Code is represented by Act No. 185/2015 Coll.
The Law on the Protection of Personal Data is represented by Act No. 122/2013 Coll. on legal acts for the
protection of personal data and amendment and completion to some acts.
The Commercial Code is represented by Act No. 513/1991 Coll., the Commercial Code, as amended
1. The user is obliged, during any use of, and while using any products, services, software, Blogs,
as well as their own Blogs, Content, or other data or channels published and accessible on, to
proceed in full accordance with these Terms and Conditions, and with other generally binding legislation of the
Slovak Republic and the European Union, while these Terms are binding for all Users of
2. Bloggers, Registered Users and other Users are obliged to use in accordance with its purpose,
which is publically accessible online television, bringing Users a comprehensive picture of society and its
actual situation serving for both private and commercial purposes.
3. The User agrees, with their first access on via the internet or by any use of or by
clicking on any reference for, unconditionally with these Terms and undertakes to respect them.
The User declares that he or she has read these Terms and expresses his/her unconditional consent with them.
Ignorance of the Terms by the User or their subjective interpretation not confirmed by the Provider in writing is
not taken into account and does not grant any rights to the User in this sense.
4. The User who visits, uses or has access to by other means confirms his/her agreement with these
Terms and agrees that he/she is bound to them.
5. These Terms apply to all persons, meaning all Users who enter and use this website in any way.
6. In the event of disagreement of the User with these Conditions, he or she must not use and thus
he or she is not entitled to the use of
7. The User must not use if he or she has not attained the legal age to conclude the binding contract
in the form of these Terms with the Provider or if he or she is a person to whom applies the foreclosure of the
access or any other legal ban to use under the national law of the country whose legislation applies
to the User.
8. The User must not use in the 18+ Information Section, if he or she has not attained the legal age
to access the Content in the18+ Information Section under the national law of the country whose legislation
applies to the User.
9. Some services or selected use of, or certain Content on, can only be provided to
Registered Users, therefore it can be contingent on the registration of the User on The Registered
User becomes any user who fulfills and sends off the concerned registration form and confirms his/her
registration from the e-mail address given during registration. It is necessary to complete all the data marked as
mandatory in the registration form, otherwise it cannot be sent off. By clicking on the “to register” field in the
registration form, the user sends off the registration form to the Provider while agreeing that he or she has
become a Registered User and is giving his/her consent to the text of these Conditions, by which he or she
confirms all his/her agreements and Terms stipulated in these Conditions, and by this the contractual
relationship between the Registered User and the Provider is confirmed as also concluded in written form.
Without this, if the user has not marked his/her agreement with these Conditions, it is not possible for him or
her to register, meaning it is not possible to become a Registered User.
10. Through Registration, the Registered User gives his/her consent to the Provider to send him or her publicity
or other promotion material via his/her e-mail address.
11. The account of the Registered User is activated through registration on the website. The
Registered User has access to this account on after he or she logs in. There are no registration fees
and the registered account is exempted from any fees, if the Provider does not decide otherwise in the future.
12. Upon request sent to the e-mail address: [email protected], the Registered User can ask at any
time to cancel his/her registration and the related account on and to delete all the related data. .
13. The Provider gives their approval to Users to access and use in accordance with these
14. In the event of breaching the rules mentioned in these Terms by the User, the Provider is entitled to take all
measures stipulated by these Terms and/or all measures in accordance with the national legislation of the
Slovak Republic, the European Union and the country whose legislation applies to the User.
15. The use of by the User is free of charge, unless otherwise specifically indicated. The Provider
reserves the right to charge some services on in the future. In such a case the Provider will issue the
completed Terms in which they indicate the manner of paying these services, the amount of fees as well as
payment channels.
16. The Provider intends to provide the following services via the website:
a. providing access to Content which has, above all, the character of reporting, entertainment, information
and education,
b. offering reporting and information services,
c. running archives,
d. running the video website with its own work or work of Bloggers/Users for whose publication and
sharing the Provider was given a license pursuant to these Conditions,
e. making accessible to Bloggers for the publication and sharing of their Blogs,
f. making accessible to Bloggers for the publication and sharing of their Content
g. providing other services about whose provision the Provider decides.
17. All services given by the Provider via the website are only for private or personal use and their
use for Commercial purposes is explicitly forbidden.
1. The User undertakes to respect these Terms while Using, as well respecting the national
legislation of the Slovak Republic and the European Union as well as the countries whose legislation applies to
the User.
2. The User takes note that all Content on is exclusively for personal use, any commercial or
entrepreneurial use of Content on for any Commercial purposes by the User explicitly forbidden.
3. The User undertakes to not use for purposes contrary to the general binding laws and regulations
of the Slovak Republic and the European Union as well as the country whose legislation applies to the User.
4. The User undertakes to:
a. not disseminate, copy, record or otherwise use any part of, above all, any Content, nor its
part by any means without the express written approval of the Provider,
b. not get access the Content by any other technology or means, except the technology and means identified
for by the Provider,
c. not modify or change any part of, nor any part of the Content and the Content itself, except
the modifications related to the Blog and made by the Blogger,
d. not circumvent, disable or otherwise interfere with any security related features of or
features that prevent or limit the use or copying of any Content or that limit the use of and its
Content, set up by the Provider,
e. not use for Commercial purposes and neither for any other business purposes,
f. not diffuse, copy, modify, display, disseminate, transmit, reproduce, pass any content of,
neither its part, grant license, or use Content of in any other way for Commercial and non-
commercial purposes without the prior consent of the Provider and without the prior written consent of
the concerned Blogger
g. not access the Content of for any other purpose than private personal non-commercial use
intended or allowed by the current functions of and exclusively for the purpose of browsing
5. The User is aware and accepts the character of the online television, and thus agrees that while
using and its Content, he or she can find Content which is not true, substantially accurate, which is
offensive, vulgar, and violates legislation, etc. The Provider is not liable, under no circumstances, towards the
User nor any other third parties for any damage occurring as a result of the publication of such Content on
6. The User is aware of the fact that the portal is above all for reporting, information and
educational purposes, and does not give any advice or views of legal, medical or otherwise binding nature that
might be considered as binding and relevant.
7. The User takes note that the provider does not guarantee the completeness, accuracy, reliability of any
Content or of any communication on
8. The User is fully responsible for any breach of these Terms as well as for the use, or for any other activity in
violation of generally binding legislation of the Slovak Republic, the European Union, and the country whose
legislation applies to the User, and will bear all the consequences (legal and extra-legal) of all such violations,
including all losses and damages incurred to the Provider, or to third parties in this context.
9. The User is aware of the fact that the violations of these Terms might lead to illegal activity that can also
have the character of criminal activity. In this context, the Provider warns that they cannot exclude that if legal
steps are taken by the person concerned by the illegal activity of the User while using, the Provider
will be obliged to give to the competent authority data and information obtained about the Registered User
while using or by providing these services by the Provider.
10. The User is aware of the fact that all Content published on is protected by copyright.
11. In the event of a fine imposed on the Provider or if any other pecuniary or non-pecuniary injury to the
Provider occurs as a result of the activities of the User on, the User undertakes to compensate such
damage or loss to the Provider without any delay and to the fullest extent.
12. If the User presumes that the Content published on violates these Terms, he or she is obliged to
inform the Provider at the e-mail address: [email protected].
1. The Blogger has the right to use in order to publish and share his/her Blogs, as well as publish
and share Content.
2. The Blogger declares by this that he or she has obtained all the permissions, authorizations and licenses in
order to publish and share his/her Blogs, as well as Content, in accordance with the national legislation of the
Slovak Republic and the European Union, as well as the countries whose legislation applies to the Blogger and
thus, he or she is entitled to publish and share the Blog and has for this all the authorizations from any qualified
persons as well. In case of publishing and sharing a Blog or Content protected by the copyright or licensing of
third parties, the Blogger certifies to not infringe upon or violate the rights of these persons, if he or she
publishes or shares such a Blog or Content.
3. By posting a Blog or Content on, the Blogger grants the Provider an unlimited license, and thus
he or she grants the Provider a worldwide, non-exclusive, free of charge license, not limited to time nor space,
without restrictions ratione materiae, transferable (with the possibility of granting the sublicense) for the use of
the Blog and Content, by all means known on the day of posting and adding the Blog or Content on imposed by the copyright, without any restrictions, and so he or she agrees, above all, with public
distribution, public broadcasting, public sharing, the Blog and Content presentation in public, and further
agrees with using the Blog or Content or its part by the Provider for public information and educational
purposes, and further agrees with the use of the Blog or Content or its part by the Users on for his
or her publication, the sharing, processing and displaying of the Blog or Content or its parts on,
while giving the Provider the right to grant a sublicense on behalf of the Provider, based on the decision of the
Provider and to the extent laid down by the Provider.
4. The Blogger must not post and share on any Blog or Content, which would violate human
dignity by any way, infringe on any rights relating to personality, violates fundamental rights and freedoms, and
violates the copyright or any other rights of third parties.
5. The Blogger must not post and share on any Blog or Content within his/her Blog or Content that
a. threaten or disturb the physical, mental or moral development of minors or distort their mental health and
emotional state,
b. contain pornography or brutal and unjustified violence,
c. violate human dignity and the fundamental rights and freedoms of others,
d. include racist, Nazi or other unlawful elements,
e. encourages violence and openly or covertly instigate hate on the basis of sex, race, color, language,
religion, faiths, political or other opinions, ethnic or social origins, membership of a national or ethnic
group, discredits or offends on the basis of sex, race, color, language, religion, faith, political or other
opinions, ethnic or social origins, membership of a national or ethnic group,
f. promote war or describe a cruel or otherwise inhuman act in the way that would inappropriately
minimize, justify or approve of it,
g. unreasonably display scenes of real violence where the real act of dying is inadequately underlined or
where people are displayed experiencing physical or mental torture in a way considered to be an
ineligible interference with human dignity; this is also applicable even if the concerned people have
agreed to such display,
h. openly or covertly promotes arms and ammunition,
i. openly or covertly promotes alcoholism, smoking, the use of narcotic drugs, poisons and precursors or
minimizes the consequences of the use of such substances,
openly or covertly promotes a political party or its representatives or members,
disparages or insults on the basis of sex, race, color, language, religion, faiths, political or other opinions,
ethnic or social origins, membership of a national or ethnic group,
encourages to suppress fundamental rights and freedoms, racism, discrimination, racial, ethnic or national
improperly displays minors who are experiencing physical or mental suffering, not even in the 18+
Information Section,
includes erotic, pornographic, racist, Nazi or other illegible elements, even in the 18_Information Section,
displays child pornography or pornography with pathological sexual practices, even in the 18+, Information
otherwise violates the general binding legislation of the Slovak Republic, European Union as well as the
country whose legislation applies to the Blogger.
6. The Blogger is obliged to place a Blog or Content that can disturb the physical, mental or moral development
of minors, above all containing brutal und unjustified violence, only in the 18+ Information Section, in such a
way that minors cannot watch or listen to it in the Information Section under current circumstances.
7. The Blogger must not place and share on any Blog or Content containing any advertising, any
offer of products or services or which encouragesUsers to contribute or donate any financial means.
8. The Blogger must not, within his/her Blog or Content on, even in the 18+ Information Section:
a. use any vulgarity, threatening speech, personal attacks toward other Users or third parties and expressions
or other terms whose direct or indirect meaning contradict generally acceptable social morals and ethics
b. present false, unverified, misleading, insulting and abusive information about other people
c. promote child pornography
d. promote commercial products or present advertising Content
e. promote medical drugs subject to prescription by a doctor or vet
f. openly or covertly promote the products or services of another natural or legal person
g. perform the publicity, for any natural or legal person, of any product or services
h. place any publicity, offer of any sale, products or services, encourage contribution or donation
i. publish “junk mail”, spam, chain messages, a pyramid scheme or any kind of customer publicity
j. publish any Content containing viruses, bugs, Trojan horses or other programs that can threaten or
damage the operation and state of
k. present information about other people, above all their address or phone number, if the concerned person
does not grant their permission for this
l. disseminate slanderous, obscene, vulgar or any other illegal material, opinions and ideas within the
Content or publish within Content web links to such Content
m. repeatedly publish the same Content, publish incomprehensible or meaningless texts, as well as provide
other activities that can lead to the restrictions or deterioration of quality of the provided services on
n. incite the violation of laws or induce other Users or third parties to acts in breach of the generally binding
legal rules of the Slovak Republic, the European Union or, and other country whose legislation applies to
the Blogger
o. publish any Content of an erotic, pornographic or sexual nature
p. publish any Content in breach of the generally binding legal rules of the Slovak Republic, European
Union or, and other country whose legislation applies to the Blogger.
9. The Blogger must not perform any activities or acts that would be in breach of these Terms, which would
threaten by any means the functionality of or the provision of services, or which would threaten or
violate by any means the copyright or other rights. All kinds of such activities by the Blogger will be
considered by the Provider a serious violation of these Terms and the Provider is entitled, in such a case, to
immediately restrict these activities of the Blogger and to prevent the Blogger from providing services or
refusing their provision, alternatively performing other measures tending to limit the Bloggers activities.
10. The Blogger takes over the full responsibility for his/her Blogs and activities on, as well as for
the published and shared Content they add or alternatively post on As a result, the published or
shared Blog and its Content are exclusively under the full responsibility of the person who created or published
such a Blog with Content, i.e. the Blogger and he or she is bound to insure to the fullest that the Blog and
Content will be in compliance with these Terms and Conditions, as well as with relevant laws and regulations.
11. For the creation, publication and sharing of Blogs and theirs Contents on, the Blogger is not
entitled to any copyright or license right and he or she agrees exclusively and fully with public sharing of Blogs
and Contents and their use on and with the granting of copyright and the use of copyright works
within the meaning of the Clause IV. of Terms and Conditions.
1. The Provider has no other obligations toward the Users or toward third parties related to, besides
the obligations mentioned in these Terms.
2. The Provider reserves the right, if needed, to ask the User for a supplemental identification during such
operations when they consider it necessary.
3. The Provider reserves the right, fully and at any time, even without prior warning and without giving any
reason, to interfere with and make corrections, modifications and changes of Content on, even with the shutdown and cancellation of
4. The Provider reserves the right to filter Content and remove any Content, Blog or its part if they find out that
the posting of such a Content or Blog leads to, according to the Provider, the violation of these Terms and/or
violation of the generally binding legislation of the Slovak Republic or the European Union and/or to the
violation of the rights of third parties, above all in cases when the Blog or Content interferes with the right to
protect the personality, privacy, or dignity of third parties, is defamatory or contains vulgarity or curse words, is
misleading or violates the rights of the Provider or any other third parts, and the Provider reserves the right to
remove any Content or Blog, even without giving any reason.
5. Thus, the Provider reserves the exclusive right to assess the suitability of any placed Content and Blog on and their conformity with these Conditions, or with the concerned binding legislation of the Slovak
Republic or the European Union, and if the Content or Blog is inappropriate, to remove these from,
even without the consent of the Blogger and without prior warning.
6. If the Provider learns about the unlawfulness of the Blog or Content published on, they
immediately prevent the User from accessing it or removes such a Blog or Content from,
7. The Provider undertakes to not modify the Blog or Content posted on by the Blogger, except in
situations where the Provider reserves the right to remove an inappropriate Blog or Content from
pursuant to Points 3 to 6 in Clause V of these Terms.
8. The Provider does not grant their agreement with any Blog or Content on published by the
Bloggers, and thus has no responsibility toward Users related to the Blogs and Content published on by the Bloggers. The Provider thus does not take any responsibility for the Blog or Content, neither
for the information or data published by the Bloggers on
9. The Provider is not obliged to monitor the Blogs or Content, and to search for facts and circumstances that
show illegal activities.
10. The Provider is not held responsible for any violation of copyright, or any other rights of intellectual
property related to the publication of the Blog or Content by the Blogger.
11. The Provider is not held liable for any damage or loss that may arise for the User or which may be caused
by the Users as a result of using
12. The Provider reserves the right to cancel the account of the Blogger on the basis of their consideration or if
the Blogger acts in violation of these Conditions, or with relevant legislation, and to cancel the account of the
13. The Provider reserves the right to decide to cancel the account of the Registered User on the basis of their
own consideration or if the Registered User acts in violation of these Terms, or relevant legislation, and to
cancel the account of the Registered User.
14. The Provider reserves the right to cancel the account of the blogger and/or cancel the account of the
Registered User, above all in the following situations:
a. If the Provider has a reasonable suspicion that the Blogger or the Registered User is using the account
contrary to the existing legislation of the Slovak Republic or the European Union or to the generally
binding ethical and moral principles of society or to the acceptable principles of morality;
b. If the Provider has a reasonable suspicion that the account shall serve for the violation of the rights of
third parties or for committing or facilitating criminal activities;
c. If the Blogger or the Registered User uses the website for Commercial or other purposes that
may damage the Provider or third parties;
d. If the Blogger or the Registered User abuses, blocks, modifies or otherwise alters any part of the website or services provided by the Provider;
e. If the Blogger or the Registered User does not use his/her account during a period longer than twelve
(12) months;
f. If the Provider has a reasonable suspicion that the User of the account is another legal or natural person
than the Registered User or the Blogger stated in the registration form;
g. If the Blogger or the Registered User reduces or attempts to reduce the stability or functioning of the website or data placed on it;
h. If the Blogger or the Registered User violates the obligation set out in these Terms or in any other Terms
and regulations related to providing concerned service provided by the Provider.
15. The Provider is entitled to identify the User if law enforcement authorities warrant it, or if such
identification is necessary according to the legislation of the Slovak Republic or the European Union or the
country whose legislation applies to the User.
16. The Provider is entitled to add to the advertisement and sponsorship announcements the Content and Blog,
to which the User grants his/her full and unconditional consent.
17. The Provider will attempt to maintain in use, free from defects and technically safe and
protected, but they do not guarantee to be safe, reliable and free from defects during the entire time
of its functioning or, to function all the time without discontinuities, delays or defects.
18. The Provider thus reserves the right for the website to not be accessible all the time,
continuously, above all because of the regular technical maintenance of hardware and software equipment or
because of solving technical problems out of control of the Provider.
19. The Provider thus does not grant the User any guarantee of constant functioning, flawless activity and
security of the server and website and is not held liable for any damage that may occur to the User
in this context including the loss or deterioration of the Blog or Content, as well as any damage or prejudice
caused by the use of the website, its outage or non-functionality.
20. In the context of using new technologies and services, the Provider is entitled to modify the appearance and
content of, also without a prior warning.
21. The Provider has the right to carry out, at any time, a technical shutdown of, also without a
prior warning.
22. The Provider has the right to modify, stop, shut down or interrupt the provision of services on,
temporarily or a permanently, to the fullest extent or partially and perform other rights accruing from these
Terms, as well as from the existing legislation of the SlovakRepublic or the European Union, also without a
prior warning.
1. The Blogger can share Content to his/her discretion and needs without any restrictions exclusively in
accordance with these Terms and with the generally binding legislation of the Slovak Republic, the European
Union and country whose national legislation applies to the Blogger.
2. Given the nature and the purpose of, the Provider does not guarantee any confidentiality, neither
any privacy with respect to Content.
3. The content on is protected by copyright. The transcription, publication and other forms of
dissemination of Content or its elements, by any means, is prohibited without the prior written approval of the
Provider. The property copyright for Content on, including Blogs, is reserved and pursued
exclusively by the Provider. In the light of the foregoing, any use of Content or its elements, above all the
reproduction, copying and distribution of texts, photographs or other Content or its elements by any mechanical
or electronic means, also in other than Slovak, as well as the copying of texts and photographs and placing
them in databases, or any other use of Content or its elements is prohibited without the prior written approval of
the Provider. This ban also applies to the same extent to the Blogs and their parts.
4. The Provider reserves the right to grant consent for the reproduction, copying and public broadcasting of
Content or its components placed on, as well as the public dissemination of the Content or its
components placed on and the copies of the Content or its components placed on This
right also applies to the same extent to Blogs and their components.
5. By giving the Content and by Use of, the Blogger grants his/her consent and license to the
Provider and other Users of to the extent necessary for the needs of the Provider and mentioned in
Clause IV of these Terms.
6. The Content placed on, including Blogs, has to be in accordance with these Terms and with the
generally binding legislation of the Slovak Republic, the European Union and country whose national
legislation applies to the Blogger. Any responsibility for the publication and Use of Content that violates these
Terms and the generally binding legislation of the SlovakRepublic, the European Union and country whose
national legislation applies to the Blogger, is held by the Blogger.
7. The Blogger declares through this to have all property, copyright, license, or other rights necessary for the
publication of the Content and the Use of Content via by the Provider, for for which the Blogger is
fully responsible. The Blogger declares through this that Content he or she gave to Use on does not
conflict with the rights of third parties and does not threaten any rights and interests protected by the rights of
third parties.
8. The Provider is not responsible for Content of Blogs. The User hereby takes note of and agrees that the
content of the Blogs expresses the opinions of the Blogger and the Provider does not take responsibility and
does not identify with the presented opinions of the Blogger, with the Content of Blogs, neither with the
Content of discussions in communication among Users, or with any other Content.
1. The Provider is not held responsible for any Use of by Users, including Bloggers and Registered
Users in breach of these Terms or generally binding legislation of the Slovak Republic and the European Union,
or country whose legislation applies to the Blogger and/or Registered User and/or User.
2. The Provider is not held liable for any loss and/or damage caused while Using, which has
occurred to third parties and was caused by Users, Registered Users and Bloggers.
3. The Provider is not held liable for any loss and/or damage caused while Using, which has
occurred to Users, Registered Users and Bloggers, for instance as result of the loss or deterioration of Content,
or other data or for damage and/or loss caused while using or through the shutdown of the portal or
its non-functionality for the reason of the regular maintenance of hardware or software equipment or technical
control or any other reasons.
4. The Provider is not held responsible for any damage that occurs to Users, Bloggers, Registered Users or
other people related to the use of, as well as the operation or shutdown or cancellation of, the non-functioning, malfunctioning, breakdown of, take-over of by a
third party, a computer virus on, for damage caused by hardware or software, or for damage caused
by the deficiency and non-functioning of a public computer network, used equipment, etc.
5. The Provider assumes no responsibility (neither private nor public moral) for Content that has been placed
on by the Blogger, User, Registered User or third parties, neither for the content of the Blogs.
6. The Provider is not held responsible for any links to the webpages of other people other than the Provider in
the Blogs and Contents published by Bloggers and for the content of these websites.
7. The Blogger is held responsible to the Provider that the Blog and Content published and shared by him or her
is in accordance with these Terms.
8. The Registered User is fully responsible for the confidentiality of his/her username and password or any
other registration data not meant to be published.
1. Where the Registered User gives to the Provider some personal data, the Registered User consents and
confirms to grant the Provider accurate, true and complete data about themselves according to the request of the
Provider, and that he or she is not violating the right to the protection of these data by giving data or the name
of another person including the use of photographs, portraits, illustration, or voice , or the username, or
password of someone else.
2. By giving some personal data during the registration of the Registered User, he or she declares that this data
are given to the Provider of their own accord pursuant to the the Act on Personal Data. By giving some
personal data of the Registered User to the Provider, the Registered User agrees with the management,
processing and storage of this data by the Provider.
3. The Registered User agrees that the personal data given by himself or herself while registering can be used
by the Provider when providing the services, operation and development of the portal
4. The Registered User also agrees that when he or she finds out that someone has illegally used any of his/her
data, he or she will draw the attention of the Provider to this fact, without any delay as soon as he or she
discovers this, or learn about this, to the e-mail address: [email protected].
5. The Registered User hereby declares that:
a. he or she will not divulge the password to their account to any third parties and in this regard he or she
undertakes to accept all the measures in order to prevent access to a third party to this password, or to
their account,
b. is aware of the text of these Terms, agrees with them and undertakes to follow them in full.
6. The Provider hereby declares that:
a. all provided personal data related to the Registered User as given in the form or collected additionally
under the provisions established in these Terms, will be gathered and kept in the database of Registered
Users managed by the Provider and this database will be protected and further proceeded and given to
third parties only under the conditions established by the Personal Data Protection Act and laid down by
these Terms.
b. they will process the personal data of Registered Users obtained during their registration only in
compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act and with these Terms
c. they will use the personal data of the Registered Users acquired during their registration for the provision
of services on the portal, for the receiving of benefits from the Provider by the Registered
User, for organizing games and competitions, for internal use as well as for statistics and marketing
purposes, including the sending of commercial, marketing or advertising announcements to Registered
1. The relationships between the Provider and Users are governed by these Terms.
2. The User is not entitled to give or transfer any and none of their rights and commitments raised from the
contractual relationship with the Provider or raised by these Terms to any third parties, not even without
payment. The User agrees that all rights and obligations arising from the contractual relationship between the
User and the Provider and/or raised under these Terms and/or arising under the supply of services to Users by
the Provider, can be transferred to third parties without any further need of the Users consent.
3. The Provider is thus entitled to fully or partially transfer their rights and obligations arising from the
contractual relationship with the User under these Terms to a third party.
4. The Terms are modified, issued and amended exclusively by the Provider, to the extent stipulated by the
5. The Provider reserves the full right, at any time and at their discretion, to any unilateral change of the Terms
and the extent of use of, as well as any change in the provision of services, and all this also without
a prior warning. The change is valid and in force for Users on the day of the publication of this change on the
6. The Provider reserves the right to completely replace these Terms with new rules. The change will be
announced on the website at the latest on the date of entering into force.
7. The User is obliged to regularly learn about the changes of the Conditions. If the User does not agree with
the changes of the Conditions, he or she must stop using, and if he or she is a Registered User, they
can ask to cancel the registration. If the User continues to use after the date the modified Terms
enter into force, the Provider will consider this as the Users consent to the currently valid version of the Terms.
8. The Provider reserves the right to the exclusive and binding interpretation of these Terms.
9. If any of the provisions of these Terms becomes invalid, it does not cause the invalidity of the other
provisions of the Terms. The Provider undertakes to replace this invalid provision by a new one, which will as
far as possible correspond to the original invalid provision.
10. It is possible to use as well as the information and Content published on, and refer
to it only with the permission of the Provider, and the information and Content published on is
subject to the rights and protection based on the copyright reserved and their exclusive executor is the Provider,
as stipulated in these Terms.
11. The parties undertake to solve any disputes arising from these Terms above all through mutual negotiations
and agreement. In case of failure to reach a mutual consensus, a concerned general local Court of the Slovak
Republic according to the Providers domicile is authorized to solve such dispute.
12. The User and the Provider agreed that the legal relationship arisen from these Terms, as well as the legal
relationship arisen from any use of and its services, is governed by the currently valid version of
the Terms and the provisions of the Commercial Code. In light of foregoing, the legal relationship between the
User and the Provider not regulated by these Conditions are governed by the Commercial Code and other
generally binding legislation of the Slovak Republic
13. These Terms come into effect on 1 October 2016, which is also the day of their publication on
14. You can contact the Provider at the following e-mail address: [email protected].
In case of a discrepancy between the translation and the original version of these
Terms, the original Slovak version will prevail.
In Bratislava, 1 October 2016
NOTA FILM s.r.o.
Mgr. Peter Nôta, Managing Director