Android and iOS Developer
My name is Richard and I am a mobile app developer with
programming experience with Android and iOS.
From 2018 to 2021 I have been filming and editing
videos for the Bratislava City Museum (Múzeum mesta
From 2018 I have been learning how to code in
different languages like Python, Dart, HTML, and C# with the
help of Youtube, online classes, and school.
2019 I started to work on my first ever application
called Loook Out! , with Unity and C#. In 2020 I
uploaded this game to Google Play .
Since then I have decided to make applications
with Flutter and Dart. In 2021 I published my first Android
app called Náhodné jedlo - Čo mám jesť? which I created while being bored in quarantine. Later I
published my app for training brain called Brainy . My newest project is ReFITter , which is a social network focused on sharing workouts and
training goals with other users. The app is mainly focused
on weight lifting but it can also be used for homeworkouts
and other types of exercising.
In 2021 I contacted the Museum of Transport located in
Bratislava with the intention to create a guide for the
museum. The app contains features like an audio guide,
guide, maps, news, and a lot of others.
For the museum, I created a website where they can
easily edit the content of the application.
The application and website were programmed with
Flutter, the programming language Dart, and used the
Firebase database from Google. je náš nový start-up určený pre stredné školy a
maturantov, ktorý umožňuje jednoduhú organizáciu,
odovzdávanie a hodonotenie maturitných práci.
Viac informácií nájdete na webovej stránke
In 2022 I was contacted by the owner of the news portal The task was to create an application for the
website that would contain all the articles and most of the
features from the website.
For the application, I used Flutter with the
programming language Dart.
24Dnes is available on App Store and Google Play.
V roku 2022 hľadala naša stredná škola študentov, ktorí by
dokázali vytvoriť webovú stránku pre všetkých maturantov. Na
webovej stránke sa študenti prihlasujú pomocou Microsoft
účtov a dokážu si vygenerovať zoznam prečítanej literatúry
na webovej stránke. Webová stránka obsahuje aj admin prístup
pre učiteľov češtiny.
Webovú stránku nájdete